Where do I go to pick up my textbooks?


Beginning in Fall 2021, JC's textbook access is provided through BibliU. This program provides digital access to all your digital course materials for a flat fee of $50 per course. Almost all courses will be using digital books through this program, so you likely will not need to pick up any textbooks - they will be available in the BibliU app! If you are having any trouble with the BibliU app, please visit BibliU's support page.

A few courses do not have digital options; if your course does have print materials, please contact the Jets Store at jetsstore@jccmi.edu or 517.796.8440 to find out next steps.

If your course is using a digital book and you prefer a print copy, consider opting out of BibliU and purchasing your textbook through a third-party book site, such as Amazon, Chegg, or another retailer. At this time, there is no option to get a print version through the Jets Store if a digital version is available.

Find out more information about this program on the Jets Store page.

  • Last Updated Aug 22, 2022
  • Views 183
  • Answered By Jen Fiero

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